1. In the top right corner you can see your Username next to green dot. 


2. In the drop-down menu select Settings


3.  Select Booking Engine on the left hand side of the settings view. Now select Email Setup.


4. Under General Settings.

a. Enter the email address where you want to receive replies. 

b. Under From text enter the desired name (e.g. hotel name, reception, info, manager name).

c. Under Booking Notification Email Address enter the email at which you want to receive notifications (bookings, cancellations, modifications). 

*** Note, at any point you can SAVE your work. 


5. Under Footer Template fill out to your desired specification. 


6. Under Booking Confirmation Email settings - Enter check-in notes and directions on how to arrive at your destination. 


7. You have the option of sending a Pre Arrival Email to your guest. 

a. Fill in the number of days before arrival you want to send the email.

b. Fill in the Email Subject and Mail Body.


8. Complete the Post Departure Email Setup.


9. Under Email Templates you can create common emails that you send to guests on demand. 


10. SAVE your changes. Your email system is set up.